

If you share our vision of a Fair Water Future for all, please support us. We urgently need the support of like-minded people so that our work can keep pace with demand from communities, and the growing pressure on water resources around the world.

Whether you give us a one-off donation or make a regular contribution through our Friends scheme, you are helping to strengthen our voice for water justice. A donation of any size counts and helps us to make a difference.

We work hard to keep our overheads down so that your valued donation goes to the front-line of the world water crisis. For every £1 you donate, 93p goes directly to supporting our research, action and advocacy work.

Don’t want to donate online?

Download and complete a donation form or send a cheque / CAF voucher (payable to Water Witness International) to Water Witness International, 3, Boroughloch, Edinburgh, EH8 9NJ, UK. or email us on

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If you commit to a regular donation of over £10 / month you can become a Friend of Water Witness, and will receive:

  • Regular updates on our work and a copy of our Annual

  • Report Personal invitations to water related events

  • A free gift - a key text on the world water crisis

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Good water resource management is a central component for the products we consume, our drinking water supplies, the food we grow, the energy we use - it is our lifeblood. Help water rise up the political agenda at home and abroad, by taking the following actions:

  • Demand evidence of responsible water use in the products you buy and the supermarkets you use.

  • Ask your elected representatives, MPs and Ministers what actions they are taking to ensure sustainable and equitable water resource management at home and abroad.

  • Commit your business to be a responsible water steward by joining the Alliance for Water Stewardship (



Partner and pro-bono

We are always looking for new opportunities for collaboration and efficiencies. whether you are a researcher in water security and governance, or running a marketing and design company, we want to hear from you! Contact us on or +44 (0)131 6628 546


Fundraise for Us

This is a great way to support Water Witness and have fun at the same time! Visit our Fundraising Site at Our Total Giving page


Remember us in your will

Leaving a Legacy is a gift that lasts beyond your lifetime and will help to ensure that Water Witness will continue to grow and thrive. Leaving a Legacy is a simple process and we have suggested wording below that you might like to use. You should always speak to your Solicitor first.

Here is some suggested wording for a simple Legacy in your Will:

To Water Witness International, (insert address), (Charity Number (SC041072), the sum of [INSERT THE AMOUNT IN POUNDS] OR [INSERT THE PERCENTAGE] % of the residue of my Estate.